A new vision of the EHPAD's life by
Saint Romain Design

"Paula uses our dishes every day, which allows her to maintain her independence during her meals"

Nasal cut glass!
After 5 years of study and sharing with occupational therapists, doctors, healthcare staff and patients with reduced mobility, our range of nasal cut glass reduces the painful and limited cervical mobilization in osteoarthritis and Parkinson's disease.

Paris Hopital Expo 2018
Paris Healthcare Week will be held from May 29 to 31, 2018 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.
Organized by PG Promotion, Paris Healthcare Week brings together the historic fairs of the Hospital Federation of France (HopitalExpo, GerontHandicapExpo and HIT) and the Nursing Fair, and offers a global, diversified and comprehensive vision of innovative solutions for the healthcare system.
The event welcomes nearly 30,000 experts, decision makers and health professionals involved in the management, connection, equipment and construction of health facilities.

Our ultralight plate
Its great lightness reduces the risk of epicondylitis and of carpal tunnel syndrome: Indeed, gripping with pronosupination in force during repeated handling of dishes is a cause of occupational disease.

Ergonomic support and spoon!
Avoid painful grasping with thumb involvement in rhizarthrosis and tendonitis of De Quervain.